As you know, since September, some new teachers have joined, but you may not have chance to join their classes.
Meet our teachers! We asked some very stereotypical questions to them to introduce our teachers. You can see unexpected side of the teachers, or they share the same hobbies with you. Next time you see them, have a little chat with them!
We highlight Chisaka and Reiko this time.
Please visit our Teachers' BIO page to see all teachers.

★ Chisaka (Thursday 10:30am, Vinyasa Flow)
Favorite pose and why?
Anjaneyasana (Crescent Pose)
I love the feeling of grounding toward the earth and everything is opening up from within me.
What do you enjoy in your spare time?
Favorite book?
(As genere) Autobiography
What are you bad at?
I have difficulties with using electronic appliances.
Short message from Chisaka
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday! Come join me.
★Reiko (Friday 10:30am Vinyasa Flow)
Favorite pose and why?
It's not a pose but I love the Chandra Namaskara (Moon Salutation) flow.
It gives a different feeling from the Sun salutations, and you feel filled with a pleasant energy in a relaxed flow.
Pose you are not good at?
I am not good at back bending poses, but I love them because you can be open. I try to enjoy those poses.
Other than teaching yoga, what do you do?
I write articles. I give advice on incorporating aromatherapy into your life. I also offer aromatic hand massages.
What are you bad at?
I am not good at detailed-related work in general. I am clumsy. I can't draw well, really.
Short message from Reiko
I am looking forward to practising with you. Even if there is a pose you are not comfortable with, enjoy it by all means, at your own pace. You will love it one day.
Chisaka and Reiko always lead the flow with careful guidance. They perform difficult poses with tremendous concentration and show an open and positive attitude, but surprisingly, not good with electrical appliances or clumsy enough to draw pictures. It's kind of funny.
Next time you see Chisaka or Reiko, ask her about her recommended autobiography, or any recommendation how to use aromatherapy!